It's a community effort!

If your Portland-area apartment complex allows "aggressive" breeds and isn't listed here, let me know and I'll add it. Each place varies in who they restrict, so all information is valuable!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Modus Oprendi

Most apartment search engines allow you to filter for which places allow dogs, but then the specifics hit and you have to call or email every individual place to find out if your breed is allowed. It's annoying. Some places state their weight limits, or say "We allow large dogs, but some restrictions apply", and most say "please call for details". I'm going to try and make that easier for you by posting my own list of Portland area apartments with breed restrictions and what they are. If you own a Pit or a Rottie or a GSD or a Doberman, etc. you'll need to know that sort of thing. At the very least, I hope to make the apartment search a little less tedious for you my narrowing down the list already so you don't have to. Of course, I cannot guarantee this list is 100% accurate as these things are subject to change. If I have an apartment listed as prohibiting select breeds and you don't see your breed listed, I would still advise calling ahead to make sure. But at least now you don't have to bother with places that definitely do ban your puppy.

Portland Pooch provides useful information pertaining to dog-friendly apartments and what the various size restrictions may be. You can sort the list by City or Weight, or you can review it alphabetically by apartment name. I've posted a link to the page in the upper left corner of the blog. There is also a link to the supposed "10 Most Dangerous Dogs" to give you an idea (if you don't know yet) if you dog is black listed.

I am focusing on places known to accept large breeds first, since breed restrictions rarely come into place with small dogs--even though they often have more attitude, methinks, than the average Pit Bull. That said, remember, most places require a dog interview and if your dog fails that, regardless of his breeding, he won't be allowed in.

It'll take me a little time to get this up and running, but there's the MO.

Please keep in mind that this is not a perfect or complete list. If you know of any inaccuracies, please comment and let me know. Also, I am in no way endorsing any particular apartment complex. I am merely stating the facts regarding which breeds are restricted and where.

Perhaps down the road I'll do special posts featuring cheap dog-friendly places or places that allow more than 2 pets, or maybe I'll develop breed specific posts for breeds like GSDs, Mastiffs, Dalmations, etc. that are banned at several places, yet allowed at others (unlike Pits and Rotts which are almost always restricted if there are restrictions) or something like that. But who knows. Right now, we're starting with the stats and that's it.


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